2008. 2. 26. 09:47
1. _vimrc
"My Setting
source $VIMRUNTIME/../ephron_config.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/../MyMapFunction.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/../CustomFunction.vim
2. ephron_config.vim
set tags=./tags
set nu
set ci
set ai
set si
set sw=4
set ts=4
if has("gui_running")
set lines=50
set co=120
"End of My Settings
"Customizing My Color Setting
colorscheme desert
"Customizing Plugin Setting
3. CustomFunction.vim
if version >= 500
func! GetTodayDate()
exe "read !date/t|sed 's/-//g'"
4. myMapFuction.vim
map <F1> v]#ezf
map <F2> v]}zf
map <F3> zo
map <F9> a// EPHRON_<Esc>:call GetTodayDate()<CR> + kkkJxA
"map <F11> :25vs ./<CR>:set nonumber<CR>^Ww
map <F11> :WMToggle<cr>
"방향키 설정
"My Setting
source $VIMRUNTIME/../ephron_config.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/../MyMapFunction.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/../CustomFunction.vim
2. ephron_config.vim
set tags=./tags
set nu
set ci
set ai
set si
set sw=4
set ts=4
if has("gui_running")
set lines=50
set co=120
"End of My Settings
"Customizing My Color Setting
colorscheme desert
"Customizing Plugin Setting
3. CustomFunction.vim
if version >= 500
func! GetTodayDate()
exe "read !date/t|sed 's/-//g'"
4. myMapFuction.vim
map <F1> v]#ezf
map <F2> v]}zf
map <F3> zo
map <F9> a// EPHRON_<Esc>:call GetTodayDate()<CR> + kkkJxA
"map <F11> :25vs ./<CR>:set nonumber<CR>^Ww
map <F11> :WMToggle<cr>
"방향키 설정