꿈꾸는네오 2005. 3. 17. 14:48
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define HEAD_DIR        1
#define TAIL_DIR        2

char fname[255]={"SAM_DATA.dat"};

typedef struct single
        char s_no[10];
        char s_name[20];
        struct single *prev;
        struct single *next;

SINGLE *head, *tail, *current;

void goodbye();
int Readstdin(char *target, int size);
int ReadstdinDecimal();

int init(void);
int insert_elem(SINGLE *temp, const unsigned short direction);
int get_input(SINGLE *target);
void show_elem(SINGLE *target);
void switch_elem(SINGLE *t1, SINGLE *t2);
void freeData();
int IsBig(SINGLE *src, SINGLE *target);// if src > target then return 1 else 0

void Insert();
void Search();
void Sort();

int RecordFile();
int ReadFromFile();

void PrintAll();

// input, output, end
int main()
        short end=0;
        int sel;

        printf("####### LINKED LIST SAMPLE PROGRAM ######\n\n");
        printf("#  1. Insert                            #\n");
        printf("#  2. Search                            #\n");
        printf("#  3. Print(All Data)                   #\n");
        printf("#  4. Record to File                    #\n");
        printf("#  5. Read from File                    #\n");
        printf("#  6. Sort                              #\n");
        printf("#  7. Quit                              #\n");
                printf("# Select menu : ");
                if(sel < 1 || sel > 7) continue;
                        case 1:
                                printf("Press any key to continue.....");
                        case 2:
                                printf("Press any key to continue.....");
                        case 3:
                                printf("Press any key to continue.....");
                        case 4:
                                printf("Press any key to continue.....");
                        case 5:
                                printf("Press any key to continue.....");
                        case 6:
                                printf("Press any key continue.....");
                        case 7:
        return 1;

void goodbye()
        printf("#           GoodBye!!             #\n");

int init(void)
        if(NULL == (head=(SINGLE *)malloc(sizeof(SINGLE))) )
                printf("Memory allocation error\n");
                return -1;
        if(NULL == (tail=(SINGLE *)malloc(sizeof(SINGLE))) )
                printf("Memory allocation error\n");
                return -1;
        return 1;
int insert_elem(SINGLE *data, const unsigned short direction)
        SINGLE *temp;
        if(temp == NULL)
                printf("Invalid argument (NULL indicator) \n");
                return -1;
        if(HEAD_DIR == direction)

        else if(TAIL_DIR == direction)


        return 1;
int get_input(SINGLE *target)
        int ret=1;

        printf("##### DATA INSERT ####\n");
                printf("# s_no: ");
                Readstdin(target->s_no, sizeof(target->s_no));
        //scanf("%s", target->s_no);
                printf("# s_name : ");
                Readstdin(target->s_name, sizeof(target->s_name));
        //scanf("%s", target->s_name);

        return ret;
void show_elem(SINGLE *target)
        printf("# s_no : %s\n", target->s_no);
        printf("# S_name : %s\n", target->s_name);
void switch_elem(SINGLE *t1, SINGLE *t2)
void Insert()
        int sel;
        SINGLE *data;

        if(NULL == (data=(SINGLE *)malloc(sizeof(SINGLE))) )
                printf("Memory allocation error\n");

        if(0 > get_input(data))
                printf("Data Input error\n");
                printf("# What do you want direction of data (head: 1, tail:2)? : ");
                if(sel!=1 && sel!=2)
                        printf("select 1 or 2\n");
        }while(sel!=1 && sel!=2);
        insert_elem(data, sel);

        printf("Data is successfully inserted\n\n");
int RecordFile()
        int ret=0;
        char filename[255];
        FILE *fp;
                printf("What do you save from (default:%s) : ", fname);
                ret=Readstdin(filename, 255);
                //scanf("%s", filename);
                if(ret==0)printf("[%s] Is it right? (y/n)", fname);
                else printf("[%s] Is it right ? (y/n) ",filename);
                strncpy(fname, filename, strlen(filename));
        if(NULL == (fp = fopen(fname, "w+")) )
                printf("File open error\n");
                return -1;

                fwrite(current, sizeof(SINGLE), 1, fp);

        printf("File Recording is successfully completed \n");
        return 1;
int ReadFromFile()
        int ret, sel;
        SINGLE *data;
        FILE *fp;
        char filename[255];

        memset(filename, 0, sizeof(char)*255);

                printf("What do you load from (default:%s) : ", fname);
                ret=Readstdin(filename, 255);
                //scanf("%s", filename);
                if(ret==0)printf("[%s] Is it right ? (y/n)", fname);
                else printf("[%s] Is it right ? (y/n) ", filename);

                strncpy(fname, filename, strlen(filename));
        printf("Do you want erase previous data(default:n) ?(y/n) : ");
        if('y' == getchar())
        if(NULL == (fp =fopen(fname, "r")) )
                printf("File open error\n");
                return -1;
        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
                if(NULL == (data=(SINGLE *)malloc(sizeof(SINGLE)) ) )
                        printf("Memory allocation error\n");
                        return -1;
                fread(data, sizeof(SINGLE), 1, fp);
                if(0!=feof(fp) )
                insert_elem(data, TAIL_DIR);
        printf("Reading Data from file %s is successfully completed!!\n", fname);
        return 1;
void freeData()


void Search()
        char keyword[255];
        int sel, count=0;
        printf("#        DATA SERACH             #\n");
        printf("\n# Select Search field (1: s_no, 2(default):s_name ) : ");

        //scanf("%d", &sel);

        if(sel!=1 && sel!=2)sel=2;
        printf("# Insert Search keyword : ");
        Readstdin(keyword, 255);
        //scanf("%s", keyword);


        printf("##### SEARCH RESULT  ##############\n\n");

                        if(NULL!=strstr(current->s_no, keyword))
                        if(NULL!=strstr(current->s_name, keyword))
        printf("\n - Search Complete!!! (%d data is found)\n", count);
void Sort()
        int sel, sel2;
        SINGLE *sort_end;

        printf("###### DATA SORT ######\n");
        printf("\nSort as what field ?\n ( 1 : s_no(default), 2 : s_name ) :");
        if(sel!=1 && sel!=2)sel=1;

                        //printf("%s, %s", current->s_no, current->next->s_no);
                                if(atoi((char *)current->s_no) > atoi((char *)current->next) )switch_elem(current, current->next);
                                else current=current->next;
                        else if(sel==2)
                                if(1==IsBig(current, current->next))switch_elem(current, current->next);
                                else current=current->next;


        printf("\n\n Sort Completed!! \n");

int Readstdin(char *target, int size)
        int idx=0;
        char c;

        while('\n'!=(c=getchar()) )
                if(size < idx)break;

        return idx;
int ReadstdinDecimal()
        char temp[255];

        Readstdin(temp, 255);
        return atoi(temp);

void PrintAll()
        int sel=1, count=0;
        printf("#    Show Element            #\n");
        printf("# Select show direction\n ( 1(default): from HEAD, 2: from TAIL) : ");
        //scanf("%d", &sel);

        printf("\n\n #### List of DATA #####\n\n");
        if(sel !=1 && sel!=2)sel=1;
        if(sel ==1)
        else if(sel==2)
        printf("There is %d data\n", count);
int IsBig(SINGLE *src, SINGLE *target)// if src > target then return 1 else 0
        int minLength, i;

        int srclen, targetlen;

        minLength=(srclen < targetlen) ? srclen : targetlen ;

        for(i=0; i < minLength ; i++)
                        if(i==minLength-1 && targetlen < srclen)return 1;
                else if(src->s_name[i] > target->s_name[i])return 1;
                else if(src->s_name[i] < target->s_name[i])return 0;
        return 0;


제  목 : Double linked list를 이용한 데이타 관리
파일명 : project.c
작성자 : 구자경, 김광철
작성일 : 2005. 3. 17

실행 방법
        1. gcc project.c -o project.o
        2. ./project.o

        1. 입력되는 데이터의 이름 데이타는 영문으로 한정된다.
        2. 정렬은 오름차순을 기준으로 한다.        

        1. 입력시 잘못된 입력은 루프를 통해 재입력을 받도록 한다.
                저장용량보다 큰 용량의 입력의 경우 길이만큼만 읽어들인다.
        2. 입력 받는 함수를 재작성하여 입력 버퍼 잔존 문제 해결
        3. 최대한 모듈화를 실행하여 코드 공유성및 가독성을 높혔다.
        4. 모듈화를 통해 차후 업데이트 확장 및 수정이 용이하다.